Cultural Italy Blog: Art, Coffee & Love

Spying Japanese Lifestyles at the Venice Biennale


Spying Japanese Lifestyles at the Venice Biennale

Japan’s national participation at “Reporting From The Front” in Venice looks as an out of scale built tiny town showcasing some of the most intriguing architectural designs recently realized in the country. Semi-public shared space is the key feature of each project. Indeed, sharing is what the Japanese Pavilion at the Architectural Venice Biennale 2016 wants to speak about. Sharing of values, lifestyle and, of course, of architecture. Curtail enough topic to win a special mention in National Participations.

These tiny yet masterly designed Japanese houses capable to maximize every single centimeter and featuring unusual shared space might seem to us a great architect invention. In reality, however, it is above all a mirror of the turning point that the Japanese society is facing these years. 

Yokohama Apartment by ON design partners is among several works on display. It is an ingenious design of only 152 sq.m (1636 sq.f) of total floor area consisting of semi-public central courtyard canopied by four single-room apartments for young artists. Presented as a huge model in scale 1:50 and filled up with furniture, typical house accessories and routine belongings, this house is a statement of how vital and essential might be some co-living space in case of extremely small residential units. 

Maria Novozhilova
twitter: @NovozhilovaM
