by antoinette | May 19, 2016 | Customer Reviews
MAY 2016Hi Franca & Fiorella, Kyle and I had a FANTASTIC honeymoon so thank you thank you so much for everything you did to plan it!!! We really loved everything and wish we could do it all over again! I’m sure we will come to Italy again and will...
by antoinette | May 18, 2016 | Customer Reviews
MAY 2016Dear Laura, My group returned from their trip to Italy and wrote a magnificent letter singing your praises and about the highlights of their trip. Thank you from the depths of my heart for all the work that you put into planning their journey which became a...
by antoinette | May 16, 2016 | Blog, Destinations
DESTINATIONDolce Vita at Lake Lugano: A One Day Sweet Retreat While exploring Northern Italy and after having visited beautiful Milan, Como, Bergamo and Stresa, and their seething streets pumping with sun, energy and life, it is time to escape in a peaceful and quiet...
by antoinette | May 11, 2016 | Art & exhibitions, Blog
EXHIBITIONBiennale di Venezia 2016: “Reporting from the Front” by Alejandro Aravena Do you know why “Biennale di Venezia” is called “Biennale”? I don’t. What I know is that once every two years it organizes the world’s most important architectural event. This is the...
by antoinette | May 4, 2016 | Blog, Off the beaten path
OFF THE BEATEN PATHA Fairy Tale Castle in the Aosta Valley Italy is a country of fairy tales, magic landscapes and fabulous architecture. Though perhaps it would not be that easy to meet a real princess or a white unicorn here, it is more than easy to encounter a...
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