Cultural Italy Blog: Art, Coffee & Love

Best present from Italy: learn how to use your hands in a conversation


If you are going to Italy, you will definitely ask yourself what is the best present to bring back home. Well, wine is good but you have already ordered a few bottles. Clothes are fabulous but other people’s tastes and measures are hard to guess. Coffee? Pasta? Other food? …not exactly a good idea as we all want something really special and without an expiration date.

Than you should get a book! A very special funny and tiny “only-in-Italy” book that will help you to learn better the local culture and entertain your family and friends. It is “Supplement to the Italian dictionary” by Bruno Munari that boldly explains the meaning of the main Italian gestures. You know that in Italy people cannot speak without using their hands, right? And that sometimes no words are needed if you know how to properly use your fingers.

Edited back in 1963 it is still having a great success and you can find it almost in any bookshop of Italy for a reasonable price of 11 euros. Anybody will be touched by this fascinating black-and-white edition, while you will gain the fame of a real expert of the Italian culture.

Maria Novozhilova


twitter: @NovozhilovaM
