Frida Kahlo: The Chaos Inside
Frida Kahlo remains an internationally celebrated, revolutionary surrealist artist, and a new immersive journey into her amazing life opened in Rome. The exhibit Frida Kahlo: Il Caos Dentro features images on loan from famed South American photographer Leo Matiz and creates a virtual reality of this exceptional Mexican artist’s home, life and work.
The large space at Set Spazio Eventi allowed expert curators to recreate elements of Frida Kahlo’s life in an engaging and immersive experience. Not only are her bedroom, studio and garden recreated in vivid detail, but multimedia animations of how she created her paintings are throughout the exhibit. Her personal writings on display create a journey into Kahlo’s personal triumphs and tribulations. Leo Matiz’s candid photos of her life with Diego Rivera, along with recreations of his art and their love letters give visitors a unique perspective into Kahlo’s universe.
A rare collection of posters, international stamps, documentaries and clothing are also on display.
This sensory exhibit gives visitors a deeper understanding of the life and complexities of Frida Kahlo. The exhibit runs through March 29, 2020. Secure your spot for this limited engagement now through Cultural Italy.