
K & D


Buongiorno Manuela,


As promised, here is our review. We cannot thank you enough for arranging a trip that exceeded our expectations to the fullest.

The hotels where magnificent and could not be any more conveniently located with respect to the sites of each city. Interestingly, each hotel had it’s own unique charm with our favorite being the Grand Hotel Ambasciatori!

Our guides/drivers were all excellent especially Luca and Pepi!

Our walking tour guides were also first class especially Rosella O. for the coliseum and the forum! We found the porterage service to be extremely helpful and would highly recommended it for older travelers.

With your great assistance and organization, traveling by train was an extreme pleasure. Such a fantastic and efficient way to view the outstanding countryside! 

Great thanks to you for rearranging our Taste of Italy Tour!

We give you and Cultural Italy our highest praise and recommendations. First Class operation!


Best regards,

K & D