
Mae DeFilippis

Everyone in our family was pleased with our surroundings and the grandchildren who had never been there, absolutely fell in love with Italy. Antonino who was our guide in Rome was very grand and very Italian and lent a flair and ambience to our trip. He was knowledgeable and kind. Getting up at the ungodly hour we had to do in order to see the Sistine Chapel was well worth it. My older grandsons in particular, were quite impressed with Antonino’s ability to sneak around and through all the roadblocks put up by Italian protocol! I have given your name to associates of ours who will be coming to Italy in the spring and early summer of 2006 and I hope they will be in touch with you. Your efforts were the icing on the cake and you were able to see me through when other efforts had fallen through. I will continue to recommend your services whenever possible and if we are ever in need again, I will most definitely contact you. Thanks again. Your friend, 

Mae DeFilippis, USA