by antoinette | Jun 8, 2017 | Customer Reviews
JUNE 2017 Dear Franca & Fiorella,To sum up my trip in one word, AMAZING! How can I thank you for planning such an amazing trip? I can write a book about how perfect this trip was. The views were breathtaking and it felt as if I was viewing the cities from a book!...
by antoinette | Jun 8, 2017 | Customer Reviews
JUNE 2017 Liliana, Thank you for planning the trip of a life time. You completely exceeded our expectations and made our vacation most memorable. I personally was incredibly impressed with the private transportation and how on time they always were. Cars were...
by antoinette | Jun 6, 2017 | Blog, Destinations
DESTINATIONVery Special Plans for This Summer: Piazza del Campo in Siena There are many piazzas out there. Some of them are better known then others, but this one is truly special. Besides its iconic design, it offers a spectacular and unique experience twice a year....
by antoinette | Jun 5, 2017 | Customer Reviews
JUNE 2017 Hi Luana! We made it back and are suffering very little jet lag! The trip was absolutely AMAZING – exceeding all of our expectations. Every single transfer was on time or early, all the guides were amazing and the hotels were fabulous! We have too...
by antoinette | Jun 5, 2017 | Customer Reviews
JUNE 2017 Franca & Fiorella, I’ve been thinking about you guys and wanting to let you know what a wonderful trip we had. You guys were amazing and we couldn’t believe how well everything was planned and organized. I think we saw everything there was...
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