Gian-Carl Casa

Gian-Carl Casa

Thank you for arranging a contrada dinner the night before Siena’s famous Palio. It was a fantastic experience. In the contrada’s main piazza we had a multi-course dinner that lasted past midnight. Throughout the evening the crowd of people from the...
Renee Vollerthum

Renee Vollerthum

I had a great vacation. My first time overseas. You were extremely helpful in getting our opera/Vatican tickets. The opera is one of my favorites. We all enjoyed it. The location (at a church) was unusual, especially seeing the performance at the altar. It was a...
John Petras

John Petras

My visit to Padova was very enjoyable, the people were very friendly and helpful. Giotto’s Chapel was more than I had expected. He was truly a genius. I would hope to visit the Chapel again someday, but there are so many places to visit and only so much time....
Henri Little

Henri Little

Thank you for your e-mail. Yes, everything went well both with the Uffizi tickets, the Opera in Florence and particularly with the day at Castiglionchio. This was a delightful day; highly recommended. Many thanks for your help; it did make a difference to our trip....
Simon & Livia Weighell

Simon & Livia Weighell

The Secret Itineraries tour was brilliant, we had an excellent, well-informed guide who gave us lots of interesting facts about the art and history of the Palace and of Venice. We’ve recommeded it to everyone. Many thanks & regards, Simon & Livia...