by Cultural Italy | May 22, 2013 | Customer Reviews
We’re back! Thanks so very very much for your help with our two tours around Rome. Anna was great. We lucked out because it rained the morning we were to walk around the Coliseum and the Forum and by the time we got there, the weather had cleared. So…VERY...
by Cultural Italy | May 22, 2013 | Customer Reviews
Thank you so much for all your arrangements for La Scala. I cannot find words to describe the experience. It was indeed a dream come true. Our holiday in Stresa was also most enjoyable and La Palma Hotel was perfect. Thanks again. Best wishes, Jack and Sighle...
by Cultural Italy | May 22, 2013 | Customer Reviews
Fantastic. The girls thoroughly enjoyed the tour of the Palazzo Vecchio with Giorgio Vasari, and although the tour of the Doge’s Palace was not as good, the tour guide was so strange the girls had fun anyways. The two private guides were both good. The Palio was...
by Cultural Italy | May 22, 2013 | Customer Reviews
We just arrived home from our trip to Italy/France last Wednesday, July 27th. We had the most wonderful time, and our reservation at the Accademiaworked out well. We waited a minor amount of time, and thoroughly enjoyed the museum. We’ve come home to start...
by Cultural Italy | May 22, 2013 | Customer Reviews
We loved our trip to Italy. The reservations you made for us were great.We did not have to wait in any lines and we found that the tour guides were very knowledgeable. If we had not had reservations we would not have been able to visit Galleria Borghese, as they were...
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