Cultural Italy Blog: Art, Coffee & Love

Liguria: On a Rock Alone


If you have heard that Liguria is just way too full of tourists and its beaches are packed in summer …. that’s true. Amazing sea, breathtaking landscapes and Italian architecture indeed magnetize a lot people. Yet, if you are an adventurous soul, it doesn’t take a lot to find a very intimate, almost private paradise veiled from regular sightseers.

The entire Liguria coast is made up of high, low cliffs and small promontories which make this territory a one of a kind beauty. Steep and rocky cost hide a lot of trails passing just by the sea. If you hike on one of these paths, you will spot amazing views. No traffic – just rocks, the sea and you. Sometimes you will encounter tiny beaches. Sometimes you will want to jump from a cliff. Or get tanned laying on a rock.
And even in August you will have almost nobody around.

A paradise

Maria Novozhilova
twitter: @NovozhilovaM