Cultural Italy Blog: Art, Coffee & Love

We Are Here Venice: A Global Effort to Save Venice


We Are Here Venice: A Global Effort to Save Venice

When the devastating floods hit Venice last November, the entire world watched in horror as many architectural and cultural sites were damaged. Venice was once again battling for its survival. However, organizations such as We Are Here Venice (WahV) lead the way in solving these problems.

We Are Here Venice defines itself as a non-profit association that addresses Venice’s challenges as a living city and advocates evidence-based approaches to policy making. They collaborate with universities, governments, citizens, artists and cultural intuitions to create actionable change. The board and management team includes architects, artists, environmental economists, TV executives and activists and their partnerships extend to organizations in Italy and beyond.

While changes in tides and sea levels are a growing crisis, another battle Venice must face is the man-made problem of the cruise ship industry. Last summer’s crash of a giant cruise ship brought to the world’s attention the ongoing destruction Venice’s fragile lagoon system. WahV hopes to address the environmental implications of these huge ships with the community and government as well.

For Venice, this may mean limiting some tourism now to save itself for generations to come. Fundraisers, collaborations with Peggy Guggenheim Collection, resource management and government partnerships are all strategies WahV helps facilitate. To be a part of the greater conversation visit


Jennie Olson Six
Content Writer, Cultural Italy