by manusofia | Apr 15, 2019 | Art & exhibitions, Blog
EXHIBITION7 inspiring objects from Statale that you will want to play with just like a child Milan Design week is a playground. Perhaps the best playground ever. Here are the 7 best playful objects from Statale that even a child can enjoy during the Milano Furniture...
by manusofia | Feb 5, 2019 | Blog, Day trips & excursions
DAY TRIPMilan is one of the top 3 fashion cities in the world, but there is much more to this hip, urban metropolis – it is also home to an incredible patrimony of art and culture which includes Leonardo DaVinci’s greatest masterpiece: the Last Supper. Other artists...
by manusofia | Dec 10, 2018 | Blog, Traditions
DAY TRIPPresepe In Italy nobody really cares about Christmas trees, candy canes, elves on the shelves end even Santa (or Babbo Natale, as it is called here). Presepe is instead a must have object that tunes the happy holidays mood on. If you have never heard about...
by manusofia | Oct 22, 2018 | Customer Reviews
OCTOBER 2018Buonasera Fiorella. Thank you so much for helping us have a wonderful trip. We really appreciated all the work you did. The hotels and guided tours you arranged for were excellent. We love Italy more now than we did before. Next time we will spend more...
by manusofia | Oct 17, 2018 | Customer Reviews
OCTOBER 2018Hey Manuela!We made it home today and I just wanted to take a minute to thank you! We had an amazing trip and definitely one of the best experiences of our lives!!! I just want to thank you for all the work you put in to planning the trip and making sure...
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