Bella Napoli

Bella Napoli

DESTINATIONS “One can’t blame the Neapolitan for never wanting to leave his city, nor its poets singing its praises in lofty hyperboles: it would be wonderful even if a few more Vesuviuses were to rise in the neighborhood”. Thus wrote German writer and poet...
Artists’ Quotes

Artists’ Quotes

A few quotes on Italy “The Creator made Italy from designs by Michelangelo.” –Mark Twain “Travel and change of place impart new vigor to the mind” –Seneca 

”Traveling is the ruin of all happiness! There’s no looking at...
Casa Emma Wines and Love

Casa Emma Wines and Love

Casa Emma Wines are waiting for you 🙂 Casa Emma is an Estate located in the heart of Tuscany and owned by the Bucalossi family. In 1969, Fiorella Lepri bought the Estate. The name of the noblewoman who sold it to her was Emma Bizzarri. For this reason, the Estate has...
Spettacolo: Tuscan Village Tells its Story

Spettacolo: Tuscan Village Tells its Story

CINEMA TEATRO Spettacolo: a Small Tuscan Village Tells its own Story It began with a story of heroes rising to the occasion. A story that only the villagers could tell. In the tiny Tuscan village of Monticchiello three hundred villagers sent 70 young men into the...
Villa Mangiacane

Villa Mangiacane

LUXURY VILLA in Tuscany Among all the Tuscan beautiful estates, Villa Mangiacane stands out for its majestic beauty and noble history. Located just outside Florence, its name originates from Latin, Magna Cane, which literally translates to ‘great dog’, as a referral...