by manusofia | Jun 19, 2019 | Blog, Day trips & excursions
DAY TRIPSilent paradise: Limone sul Garda Silent, relaxing and surrounded by steep rocky cliffs from one side and waters of Italy’s largest lake from the other, Limone sul Garda is an unbelievable escape from busy cities, traffic and crowds. Not to mention the pure...
by manusofia | May 29, 2019 | Art & exhibitions, Blog
MUSEUMToys as you have never seen them before: Doll Museum in Angera / Lake Maggiore. Even if you are not a baby anymore, you will love this museum. Thousands of dolls, from giant to impossibly small ones, all decorated with incredible details, filling up the...
by manusofia | Dec 10, 2018 | Blog, Traditions
DAY TRIPPresepe In Italy nobody really cares about Christmas trees, candy canes, elves on the shelves end even Santa (or Babbo Natale, as it is called here). Presepe is instead a must have object that tunes the happy holidays mood on. If you have never heard about...
by manusofia | Oct 23, 2018 | Customer Reviews
OCTOBER 2018Fiorella,We had a wonderful time in Italy and the itinerary that Cultural Italy created was perfect–it provided just the right amount of time at each location and allowed us to experience a lot interesting aspects of this beautiful country! We...
by manusofia | Oct 10, 2018 | Customer Reviews
SEPTEMBER 2018Hi Nicoletta! We are gradually recovering from our whirlwind vacation, which by the way we enjoyed tremendously. Everything worked out great for us thanks to you for all your assistance. From the time we arrived in Milan and through places like Lake...
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