

DAY TRIPPIEDMONTPiemonte is a hidden gem for landscape, food, wine & its proximity to Liguria, France. Still relatively unknown, this region of Northern Italy offers magnificent sceneries paired with also magnificent wines and flavors. With over 160 types of...


DAY TRIPPresepe In Italy nobody really cares about Christmas trees, candy canes, elves on the shelves end even Santa (or Babbo Natale, as it is called here). Presepe is instead a must have object that tunes the happy holidays mood on. If you have never heard about...
K. T.

K. T.

SEPTEMBER 2018Hi Antonella,    Just wanted to thank you for all you did to make our family trip a speculator success! We all absolutely loved it! Rich and I are now in Venice (magical city and amazing hotel) and excited for the rest of the journey. Special kudos  to...