by manusofia | Oct 28, 2019 | Blog, Day trips & excursions
DAY TRIPOasi di Sant’Alessio: animals in an ancient Italian Fortress near Milan. Wild, beautiful and dangerous animals in an ancient Italian Castle? Crocodiles, piranha, toadfish and many other beasts are just a part of the colorful and blooming jungle of Oasi...
by manusofia | Aug 7, 2019 | Blog, Musical events
INSPIRED BY THE MOONTutta colpa della luna: Teatro Sociale Di Como’s Moon inspired season In honor of the 50th anniversary of the moon landing, Como’s theatre Teatro Sociale announces a whole season with the moon as its inspiration. Taking history’s ‘small step for...
by manusofia | May 21, 2019 | Art & exhibitions, Blog
EXHIBITION Sore high up in the sky: Birdly flight simulator in 5VIE. It’s enough to flap your wings to see Milan from the top. If you can escape the huge cage suspended above the city, of course. At Palazzo Litta in the heart of 5VIE design district on the occasion of...
by manusofia | Apr 25, 2019 | Art & exhibitions, Blog
EXHIBITIONCelebrations for Leonardo: 500 Year Anniversary celebrates Da Vinci’s Life Genius. The definition is the embodiment for Leonardo Da Vinci. Celebrated artist, inventor and thinker, this year marks the 500th anniversary of his death, with celebrations and...
by manusofia | Apr 17, 2019 | Art & exhibitions, Blog
EXHIBITION 15.000 butterflies invade historical Milanese palazzo. You will definitely have chills entering this magic space. 15,000 black butterflies dramatically cover the whole interior of the historical Milanese apartment at Fondazione Adolfo Pini in the heart of...
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