Cultural Italy Blog: Art, Coffee & Love

Antonello da Messina: Inside the Painting

Antonello da Messina: Inside the Painting


A unique exhibition opens in Milan featuring twenty of the 35 surviving works of Sicilian Master Antonello da Messina. The exhibit, Antonello da Messina: Dentro la pittura curated by Giovanni Carlo Federico Villa, gives audiences the opportunity to see works that have been gathered from across the globe.

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Piemonte is a hidden gem for landscape, food, wine & its proximity to Liguria, France. Still relatively unknown, this region of Northern Italy offers magnificent sceneries paired with also magnificent wines and flavors.

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Kissing in Milan: be the Lovers in Your Own Story

Kissing in Milan: be the Lovers in Your Own Story


An Italian song of over 50 years ago recounted of how strange it felt to be in love in Milan, a city “with no flowers or sky, where you go on a date in a shopping mall”. But Milan, as we know, is now so much more; not just the most livable city in Italy, but the epicenter of fashion, finance, design, nightlife. And yes, it can be full of romance too. So, on this February 14th, and throuout the year, let it be the scenario for you and your Valentine.

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Milan is one of the top 3 fashion cities in the world, but there is much more to this hip, urban metropolis – it is also home to an incredible patrimony of art and culture which includes Leonardo DaVinci’s greatest masterpiece: the Last Supper.

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Art Meets Dream at the Bramante’s Cloister in Rome

Art Meets Dream at the Bramante’s Cloister in Rome

From September 29, 2018 through May 5, 2019, The Chiostro del Bramante has been hosting Dream, an exhibition of dream-themed art works. The event together, with the past two exhibitions, Love (2016) and Enjoy, (2017) completes the trilogy dedicated to love and fun in art, which was conceived and curated by art critic Danilo Eccher.

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Dolce vita: Five Reason To Visit Montevecchia

Dolce vita: Five Reason To Visit Montevecchia

Want to try Dolce Vita while staying near to the Italy’s highest skyscrapers and world’s best shopping city? Then Montevecchia is for you. Located just 40 km away from Milan, this tiny city is an amazing retreat for unconventional travelers, and here the 5 reasons why you will definitely love this place!

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Presepe (the Nativity Scene) takes its origins from the Christian tradition and represents nothing else but the Holy Night when baby Jesus was born. The biggest Presepe is in Manarola, Cinque Terre in Liguria. Listed by Guinness Book of Records, it covers the entire Tre Croci hill and consists of 300 real-scale statuettes, 17 thousand light bulbs and over 8 km of electric cables. Truly impressive!

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Andy Warhol Superstar

Andy Warhol Superstar

The one 20th century artist whose influence can truly be seen in today’s pop culture is Andy Warhol. His trajectory as both artist and influencer is what the exhibit ANDY WARHOL SUPERSTAR! recreates in an experience for visitors to comprehend the impact and significance of his work.

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