Real Estate in Italy: Agritourism near Tuoro sul Trasimeno
Where once an ancient convent stood, an Agritourismo has been created. In addition to accommodation, there is a restaurant

Real Estate in Italy: Agritourism near Tuoro sul Trasimeno
Where once an ancient convent stood, an Agritourismo has been created. In addition to accommodation, there is a restaurant
Unicorns in Milan Sistine Chapel (San Maurizio al Monastero Maggiore Church in Milan)
People often travel to Milan for fashion and shopping, soccer, and Milan’s fashion industry, which is known all over the world. Many passionate soccer fans come here to see a game at San Siro Stadium. However, Milan can surprise even the expert travelers whose itinerary goal is the architectural and historical heritage of Italy.
Most likely you can use your current cell phone in Italy. Please ask your carrier for rates and details. Usually phone calls with a US phone cost around $1 per minute and messages 25 to 50 cents each. Otherwise, cellular phones can be rented for the duration of your trip.
The Most Beautiful Villages in Italy Guide 2023
The Association ‘I Borghi più belli d’Italia’ (The most beautiful villages in Italy) added 14 new entries from Piedmont to Sardinia.
Palazzo dei Diamanti re-opens with a Ferrara artist-inspired exhibit: RENAISSANCE IN FERRARA: Ercole de’ Roberti and Lorenzo Costa.
If you haven’t caught the White Lotus series on HBO yet, be prepared for a front-row luxury seat to some darkly comedic drama.
Italians love to talk about food. Men and women alike. At some point in our conversation, whether we’re in Beijing or on an African Safari, either with friends or mere acquaintances, food becomes the main topic, and we engage in lengthy and detailed descriptions of how to make a dish, or nostalgic talks on how much we miss our food back …
Te, Larii Maxime, “to you Larius, the greatest”: with these words, Publio Virgilio Marone used to celebrate the beauty of Lake Como in the first century before Christ. Since then, many well known personalities have praised the magnificent landscapes and luxurious villas surrounding its waters.